The Cloud Quiz
Every Friday by Off-by-none • August 2, 2024
There's a lot happening in cloud every week! Take our quiz to see how well you've kept up with the latest cloud news.
AWS is facing criticism after it started quietly deprecating several services without properly notifying customers. Which of the following AWS services is NOT being deprecated?
Which of the following is true about Microsoft's recently filed 10K report to the SEC?
What compliance authorization did Amazon Bedrock recently achieve in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region?
OpenAI is beginning to roll out its Her-like voice mode for ChatGPT. What criticism did they face regarding the voice used during its initial demo?
What was the main criticism of Google's new Gemini ad that aired during the Olympics?
What is the new name for Amazon Pinpoint's SMS, MMS, push, and text to voice messaging capabilities?
According to a recent CNN article, what is the main concern that Wall Street analysts and investors have regarding tech companies' investments in AI?